
Time Flies...

Gail Micca
member photo
...when you’re having fun!
We are one week away from our club’s changeover and I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in our club who makes this role fun, rewarding and easy. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve our club in this capacity.  
Leading our club through all of the transitions following Covid had its challenges, but you all helped to bring us to this point.  

Our club has changed a lot in two years and I believe the changes have been good. I hope you feel the same and I hope we see an explosion in our membership this coming year. I can hardly wait to see what lies ahead. I strongly encourage anyone who loves our club to consider a leadership position. 
See you at the changeover!


Rotary Club of
Pres. Gail Micca
Area 1 Asst. Gov. Rick Zayaitz
District 7430 Governor
Len Gieseler
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
are in-person
at Cedar Crest College
eeting begins promptly at 7:30 a.m.
First  Wednesdays are for Special events, such as Dining Out, Business Tours, etc.
The third Wednesday is a Zoom meeting, but may change.
Follow us on Facebook and watch your email for updates.
Zoom is also available during in-person meetings
     May 27 thru 31  –  RI Annual Convention in Melbourne, Australia
     July 6 thru 9  –  STEM YEA program for 2023 at Kutztown University.
Board and Committee
 Members for 2022-23
Current Executive Board:
President – Gail Micca
President Elect – Gwenn Carr's Committee
Immediate Past President – Ralph Witcher
Vice President – TBD
Treasurer – Gary Englehardt
Secretary – Michelle Steiner
Sergeant at Arms – Mitch Huston
Membership Chair – Tori Morgan
Service Chair – Bill Keba
Public Relations Chair – Marlene Heller
Fundraising Chair – Len Salines
Youth Services Chairs – Sue and Bill Weber
AWRC Foundation Chair – Amir Famili
RI Foundation Chair – Herb Klotz
Opportunities for Service
Here is an update for service opportunities in the coming weeks:
Community Service:
Habitat for Humanity – Any Tuesday or Thursday morning.
Contact Amir:
Kingdom Life Food Pantry 
   The upcoming dateS for Kingdom Life Food Pantry Giveaway is Saturday 
          June 10
          July 8
          August 12
Each time we start at 7:30 AM  and usually are finished by 9:30 AM.
Meals on Wheels – we can still use a few more substitute volunteers, low level of commitment, fun to do with family or friends. Contact Helen Papathanasiou.
Club Service:
Help plan a Dining Out or Event for a First Wednesday.
Send Cards to Support the
Allentown West Rotary Club Foundation
Send a Thank You, Condolence, Congratulations, Thinking of You, In Honor of, In Memory of, or Just Because card and make a donation to the Allentown West Rotary Club Foundation at the same time. 
Purchase a pack of Tribute Cards to say congratulations, I'm sorry, best wishes, happy birthday, send condolences, or just because! You fill in the reason for the card on the top lines and your name on the bottom lines, and mail it out. On the front is a beautiful photograph of a familiar farmhouse in the Lehigh Valley. Inside, recipients will see that the purchase of the card goes to fund the Foundation of our Rotary Club, and they are invited to learn more at our website. On the back is some information about Rotary and our areas of focus.
Cards are sold in packs of 5 for $25, plus shipping. To order, go to the Allentown West website at and scroll down to the Tribute Cards. 
Kingdom Life Food Pantry: Jean Masiko –
Parkland Snack Packing: Gail Micca –
Lowhill Food Pantry and Northwestern Snack Packing – Amir Famili –
Membership: Tori Morgan –
Public Image: Marlene Heller –
Fundraising:  Len Salines –
Dining Out: Various 
Park Cleanup: Dennis Houser –
Highway Cleanup: Sharon Goldner 
Miracle League: Barb Kistler –
Meals on Wheels: Helen Papathanasiou –
Camp Neidig – Nicole McGalla –
Student of the Month: Nicole McGalla –
Scholarship Committee: Laurie Grube –
Speaker suggestions: Ralph Witcher –
Website Editor: Peter Wohlsen –
RLI: website        
Jul 12, 2023 7:30 AM
Allentown West Rotary Club Assembly
Jul 14, 2023 3:00 PM
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Bike Repair Stations
Jul 26, 2023 7:30 AM
Allentown West Rotary Club Health Check
Aug 09, 2023 7:30 AM
The Greatest Secret of Rotary
Aug 23, 2023 7:30 AM
Sep 13, 2023 7:30 AM
Bethlehem Morning Star RC-Women of Action
Sep 27, 2023 7:30 AM
Phantoms Programs
View entire list
Make it your business to share your Rotary story! When you meet someone who isn't aware of all Rotary has to offer personally, professionally, and to the world, it's an opportunity. Let them know you are one of the 1.4 million people in the world who make the world better by serving the community.
Offer them the chance to join us for an activity or a meeting to learn more. If you don't ask, they won't know! Be a Rotary Ambassador!
      Please suggest or request speakers and topics for future meetings and send your ideas to Ralph Witcher. 
     As you become aware of any member of our Rotary family who would benefit from our support with cards, flowers, or visits, please notify Jean Machamer at
Check out the AWRC
See Home Page link

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United Healthcare


Bulletin Editor
Bill Palmer
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MAY 24, 2023

Memorial Day honors the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. These courageous individuals have given everything they had to defend our freedoms and way of life.

Memorial Day reminds us of the high price of freedom and the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It is a day to reflect on their sacrifice and to honor their memory with gratitude.

“Thoughts and prayers do not mean much, unless they are accompanied by action”
Shon Mehta
     June 20th – Emmaus Golf Classic – Click here to learn more
Please join us for Mongolia 21|21 Night at Gary and Gwenn’s home in Kutztown. The event begins at 5:30. This is an evening of fellowship, fun, and opportunity. You will learn more about the Mongolia 21|21 Project (www.mongolia as well as enjoy the fellowship of Rotarians and other folks who want to do good in the world.
In order to make this a very intimate gathering we are accepting reservations for 20 individuals. We are looking for donations of $50 per person.  All proceeds go toward the $1,400 scholarship for our AWRC Mongolian student. Please contact Gwenn at to make your reservation.
The objective of Mongolia 21|21 is to locate 21 US service clubs to partner with Friends of Mongolia (FOM). These 21 clubs will collectively provide 21 full-tuition scholarships for 21 Mongolian students – one sponsored student from each province by the 2025-2026 academic year.
Mongolia 21|21 Night is an event with great food, fellowship, and a special opportunity to support our own Nick Millward, former president of the Northwestern Lehigh Interact Club and a District 7430 Rotary Peace Fellow studying in Queensland Australia. This project provides hope to Mongolian students and their families. The Rotary International theme for 2023-2024 is “Create Hope in the World.” This project is a great example of creating hope in the world.
Allentown West Rotary  Club
Meeting Notes – May 24, 2023
Today was an In-Person meeting at Cedar Crest College  starting at 7:30 A.M. There were 21 of us present plus 6 more on line.
Our Greeter was Christopher Blechschmidt.  Mitch Huston handled registration, prizes and Happy Dollars.
Samuel, our Y.E. student from Germany; Allison Blechschmidt, Chris” wife: Claire, and Amelia – guests of Gail.
Pres. Gail Micca opened the meeting at 7:30 A.M.
Chuck Ehninger gave a nice invocation.
Ron Coleman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
Sam  led us in reciting the Four Way Test, and added “Is it Fun?”
The member celebrations for MAY are listed below.
The Josh Early candy door prize donated by Chris Blechschmidt was won by Gail Micca.
The 50:50 prize of $10  was won by Ron Coleman.
Pres. Gail is happy that the AWRC Changeover is next month.
Ernie Boll, as usual, is just plain happy.
Bill Palmer is happy about attending his grandson Andrew’s wedding to Danika last Saturday at Bear Creek Mountain Resort.
Sam is happy to be here today.
Somebody wished us all  a “Happy Memorial Day”.
Ron Coleman is happy that Gail was President for the last two years.
Geoff Legg is happy for Gail’s two years of service.
He also is happy for his daughter, Dr. Kim for her recent honored alumni award.
Mitch Huston is happy to announce an Expo tomorrow morning at Ag Hall.
Also remember that on Monday there will be “Taps Over Bethlehem” in the morning . And at 9:00 A.M. the trumpets will together harmonize.
Barbara Kistler asks “How about joining other Rotarians for a "dining out" picnic at Ontalaunee Park in downtown New Tripoli.?”
There are many events happening at the Veterans Memorial to honor those who have sacrificed for our freedoms. 
Ontalaunee Park and the beautiful Veterans Memorial exist partly because of the donations and past projects of Allentown West Rotarians.  In a sense it is our park! 
Jeff and I will be at the pavilion before 11:00 AM to save a table or more for any who want to join us. This is a great opportunity to be a presence in the "Upper Lehigh" part of our territory as well as participate in a wonderful remembrance of our veterans. 
Note there will be Food Trucks to buy lunch or you can bring your sandwich, drink and snacks, etc. to share.  Let Barbara know if you are interested at
Pres. Gail asks that members step up and plan a Dining Out for July and August.
Pres. Gail reports  --  Life is busy at the gardens. We have had help from some youth groups - Interact and 4H, as well as the Parkland Garden Club, Parkland CARES Food Pantry, Parkland Community Library, friends and some Rotarians.  Due to the freeze, we lost over 100 plants, but they have all been replaced.  Gail grew nearly 1000 plants from seeds this year which was very helpful for the garden budget, especially with the loss of plants.  Please consider bringing your family or friends to the garden to help with watering during this dry spring. When you sign up, directions will be emailed.  Please follow the garden projects on Facebook:
The sign up genius is ready to schedule all helpers at:
See you at the garden!
MONGOLIAN 21 / 21 NIGHT--   JUNE 10:
Please join us for Mongolia 21|21 Night at Gary and Gwenn’s home in Kutztown. The event begins at 5:30. This is an evening of fellowship, fun, and opportunity. You will learn more about the Mongolia 21|21 Project (www.mongolia as well as enjoy the fellowship of Rotarians and other folks who want to do good in the world.
See separate article.
NEWS:  Gwenn Carr reports “We have lots of great news regarding the Project.  A club in California has signed on as a Sponsor.  We have a presentation for an RC in Massachusetts on May 30th.  Other service organizations have indicated interest as well. The news is spreading and our partnership with FOM is on Facebook as well.”
The next Snack Packing event at Parkland is in September.
If anyone wants to help, they should email Diana Dunn at
The NWL Snack Packing date is in September.
 Come and help next time.
The upcoming dates for Kingdom Life Food Pantry Giveaway are:
         June 10              July 8                 August 12
Each time we start at 7:30 A.M. and usually are finished by 9:30 A.M. Volunteers are needed.
The Pantry will hold its food distributions on the first Saturday of each month for all of 2023.  
Three volunteers are needed each time.
Food collections for Parkland C.A.R.E.S. will be held the third Wednesday of each month at the Pantry on Kernsville Road. 
Meal delivery by AW Rotarians takes place twice each week.  Helen Papathanasiou always needs substitute volunteers.
AWRC will be sending three area High School students to Camp Neidig this Spring. They are Lucas Dee and Elene Tzidelade from Parkland High School,  and  Jordan Allen from NW Lehigh High School.
We will hold an Interact breakfast on May 31 at the Parkland H.S. Start time is 7:30 A.M. PLEASE ARRIVE BY 7:15 A.M.
The Student of the Month will be honored.
The second and fourth Wednesday of each month are In-Person meetings at Cedar Crest College.
The first Wednesday of each month will be a Dining Out meeting, or equal. It might not be on a Wednesday.
The third Wednesday of each month will be a ZOOM ONLY meeting with a program, unless we have a better idea
All members are asked to make suggestions to Gail Micca about other tours, Dining Out events, etc. for future meetings.
May 31  IN-PERSON at Parkland H.S. starting at 7:30 A.M.
The program will  be  Lori Peters and the Parkland H.S. Interact Board.
Please join us for our annual Parkland Interact breakfast and learn what the club has been doing to make the world better.  We will also be honoring our Parkland Student of the Month, Sarah Evans. 
Pre-registration is helpful - contact Gail Micca at
Pres. Gail introduced Samuel Horsch, our Exchange Student, to present “My Experience as an Exchange Student”.
Sam used a series of photos to tell  us about his family and home in Germany. His older brother was an exchange student in Canada. He was very pleased that he was chosen to come to the U.S.
Sam loves American football, and was delighted to be playing on the NWL team last Fall. Then this Spring he was on the track team, mostly doing the shot put. Then he hurt his knee and had to slow down.
Sam is very enthusiastic about his experiences here. He mentioned trips to NYC, Washington D.C. and soon to California. His English skills are very good now.
Sam will repeat 11th grade back home, then do 12th and 13th before going to college. He said his experience here was awesome.
Bill Keba  introduced Susan Bartels, CEO-Big Brothers Big Sisters of LV to present  “How Big Brothers Big Sisters is Expanding their Investment in the Community.”
Susan Bartels, MSW is Chief Executive Officer at Big Brothers Big Sisters Lehigh Valley, where she oversees all aspects of the organization’s fund development and program expansion strategies throughout Lehigh and Northampton Counties. Beginning her role in October 2013, Susan has led the agency to number of children in one-to-one mentoring matches and expanding serving a record its programs to include a Workplace Readiness & College Preparedness Program and most recently launching an innovative program called Sports Buddies.
In June 2022, BBBSLV was recognized by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America at the National conference for achieving the Quality Award. The Quality Award is presented to a BBBS agency which serves more children with quality.
Susan was selected as one of the 7 inaugural members of the Collective Impact Fellowship Program, which was developed and designed by the Rider Pool Foundation and funded by Rider Pool and Air Products. During this nine (9) month program, Susan was trained on Collective Impact and importance of finding new ways to work together with other non-profits leaders on common goals.
Susan served as Chair of the BBBS State Association for 3 years.
Before joining Big Brothers Big Sisters Lehigh Valley, Susan served as the Director of Programs with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County. In her role there, Susan’s team achieved unprecedented growth in the number of matches served in her programs. She also played a key part in helping her agency win Big Brothers Big Sisters of America’s coveted Quality Award for six years.
Susan holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from Eastern Mennonite College and a master’s degree in social work from Temple University. She has also served her community extensively as a Big Sister for over 30 years. She is currently matched to a 10th grader at Dieruff High School. She lives in Upper Black Eddy with her husband Denny and son Dean.
Founded in 1971, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley is a part of a national organization working to clear the path to a child’s biggest possible future.  They are a movement of change-makers creating a powerful ripple effect in our communities, our nation and our world. Joining parents with their staff, they match each child with a mentor to foster a friendship built on trust, learning and growth. Together, we are Defenders of Potential.
Vision Statement: All youth achieve their full potential.
Mission Statement: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
During the presentation, we learned about the BBBSLV  Leadership and the Community based Programs offered by BBBLV. Susan also explained about their newest program called "Sports Buddies", and about how their program called "Big Futures" and how it is preparing young people for the workplace. And she told us how we can get involved.
Candidates range from 7 years old to 21. Right now there are 265 boys who each need a mentor. There is a detailed screening process before mentors are assigned. And each mentor has a coach. It seems to be easier to sign up female mentors for the girls.
Susan answered some questions and received a large round of applause.
Pres. Gail  led us in reciting our motto “One profits most who serves best,” and adjourned the meeting.
Patricia Mulqueen               May 03
Ed Micca                             May 06
Gail Micca                           May 11
John Scott                           May 11
Katrina Sundstrom             May 11
Billy Rodgers                       May 19
Rich Sundstrom                  May 24
Merna Hoffman                   May 27
Sally Frank                          May 30
Allison Blechschmidt          May 31
Jean & Bob Machamer              May 05 1990      33 years
Gail & Ed Micca                          May 07 1992    31 years
Dawn & Bob Costello                May 12 2010      13 years
Allison & Chris Blechschmidt  May 20 2000      23 years
Merna & Keith Hoffman             May 24 2015      8 years
Tori Morgan                        2 years     May 05 2021
Ann Bieber                           3 years     May 19 2020
David Haight                        5 years     May 23 2018
Shirley Randall                   18 years    May 25 2005